Types of scars and how to heal them

Whenever there is a scar arising, it means that the skin is healing from the injury it has faced. One must know that the skin has 3 layers. The topmost layer is known as the epidermis, then comes the middle layer the dermis and finally the hypodermis. In case the dermis gets damaged then the body tries to heal it on their own by forming some collagen fibers and in the process, they leave behind a scar.

But now, how severe the scar is; depends on how severe the wound was and how fast it has tried to heal. In the case of small wounds, they heal really fast and so there are fewer collagen deposits in the wounded area. Hence the scars are not that deep. But again if the wound has been big and deep then the scars formed from it will be the same too. One can check no scars cream use in Hindi before they apply it on the scars and see if it lightens them.

There are different types when it comes to scars:

Atrophic Scars

They are the scars that are mainly formed when the skin is unable to regenerate the tissues and then it can cause some imbalanced scarring. They also look like some sunken areas on the skin and most of these scars are caused as the effect of chickenpox and acne.

 Keloid Scars

They are mainly caused because of the overproduction of the tissues on the wound site. They look puffy, raised and darker when they surround the skin. They also go beyond the original injury sometimes and can hamper the skin area making it look much darker than the normal.

Hypertrophic Scars

They are almost similar to the keloid scars but here the scars never go beyond the site of the original injury. These are the scars that are formed because there is an overproduction of tissues on the area of the injury so that the skin heals. They also make the skin look dark.

Contracture Scars

These are the scars that mostly develop when the skin is recovering from a burn. These are the scars that can tighten the skin and can also go deeper to affect the muscles and nerves. One can also get scratches from pregnancy (stretch marks), bites, small wounds and they can look like the same.

There are a lot of home remedies that can be of great effect when they are used upon these scars. The very common ingredient that one uses to heal the scars is fresh Aloe Vera gel. They are extracted from the leaves and then they are applied to the scarred area and kept overnight. If one can use it on a regular basis then it can definitely lighten the scar marks. Apart from these honey and coconut oil can also be used regularly on the scarred area to heal them.

Before using any cream or medication one needs to check the no scars cream details and then start applying them on the area.


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