Ways to reduce scar marks

Scars and acne marks these days have become quite common. Many people suffer from it from time to time. So, whenever it happens, it is a good idea to take help of some effective treatments before it becomes too bad.

No scars face wash with neem extract is always recommended to be used in these cases. One can apply it on a daily basis so that the pimples and acne can fade out immediately and they do not turn up to be dark and deep scar marks. Apart from ointments and medications, one can also try to use some home remedies to treat scar marks as well.

Effective home remedies for scar marks

Tea Tree Oil

It is quite an effective thing to apply on the skin which can not only reduce the acne but can also lighten the scar marks. Tea tree oil contains a lot of anti bacterial and anti inflammatory agents which can reduce the amount of acne on skin. In order to use tea tree oil, one has to mix a few drops of it in a mug full of water and then apply it on the affected areas. Once they get dried, then it should be washed with plain water and a very light moisturizer needs to be applied. This has to be done twice daily in order to get better results.

Witch Hazel

Hazel shrub barks and leaves are extracted to get witch hazel. They have a strong antibacterial agent which is called tannis and they are quite good when it comes to reducing inflammation. They can be very effective on dermatological issues like eczema, acne, varicose veins and dandruffs. They work well on bruises and injuries as well. One can take a tablespoon of hazel bark and then mix it with a cup of water. This should soak for at least 30 minutes and then it has to be boiled. The water should be strained before one applies it on the skin.

Green Tea 

They contain a very high amount of antioxidants. It can promote good health. One can apply green tea on the scarred areas because it can be of great help. This particular tea is loaded with tannins and flavonoids and so it can kill the acne causing bacteria. Green tea can also reduce different sorts of inflammations if one is suffering from any. When green tea is applied on the skin then the amount of sebum production gets reduced and hence the pimple formation also gets prevented. One can boil green tea for at least 4 minutes and then keep it aside to let it cool down. When it is cooled down, then it can be easily applied on the affected area with the help of a cotton ball. Keep it for a few minutes and then one can wash it with cold water. If one wants to apply a homemade mask then they can make a paste of fresh green tea leaves and then mix it with honey to apply.

No scars neem extract face wash is available at any medical store which one can apply.


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